Grow Where You're Planted

Central Washington State - the “Hub of Hops”

Lots of tasty Beer is made with WA State Hops

Sunday, August 1, 2021

When thirsty for beer in Washington State - Think HOPS! 
When you buy beer with hops from here, it’s likely the hops originated from the center of WA state.
And when you enjoy a cold ale or beer with Washington grown hops, you're supporting WeBuyWA! simply by drinking it! 
In fact, there is an annual festival that celebrates hops grown in the state that could be coined "the WA Hub of Hops!"
Read more to learn more about the Yakima Fresh Hop Ale Festival happening in early October 2021! 


It’s Too Hot to Cook!

Recipes to keep you and your home cool

Saturday, June 26, 2021

When it's frying hot outside, you want to keep your kitchen cool. Here are some meal ideas that won't heat up the house. And remember to buy Washington state grown ingredients. They're fresher and naturally taste better!